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Health and Safety
Does your school pay as much attention to Health and Safety management in school as it should or could? Do you have the time? The expertise? What is the potential risk?
The Health and Safety Executive (HSE) states that, "Overall accountability for health and safety lies with the employer of the members of staff in the school. However day-to-day running of the school including responsibility for the health and safety of staff and pupils is normally delegated to the head teacher and school management team."
This places a lot of responsibility on the Headteacher and school management team, who may not possess the necessary skills and back ground to ensure that all of the health and safety responsibilities placed on them can be fulfilled to an adequate standard.
What happens if Headteachers fail to meet their responsibilities?
Well in short they can be prosecuted and struck off from teaching, as in the case of Headteacher Paula Hagan reminds us. Paula was appointed as Headteacher to a Primary School in Suffolk in January 2014 and later left in March 2015 due to 'personal reasons' however a professional conduct hearing report reveals that she failed to ensure that fire drills were carried out, forged documents and lied, putting pupils and staff at risk. The board considered the string of health and safety policy breaches so severe that Paula Hagan was given a lifetime ban from teaching for severe negligence. (Professional Conduct Panel Outcome Report)
So how can Headteachers and Senior Leadership team's avoid falling foul of Health and Safety breaches?
Seek expert, professional advice.
JEM Education Support Services Ltd has a wealth of experience in the day to day health and safety expectations of schools and can give you practical, professional advice and support. We can support you with your Annual Health and Safety Inspections and help you draft risk assessments and policies just contact Rona for further information in relation to this.
To find out more about this service please contact Rona, details below.
Covering Bedfordshire, Cambridgeshire, Essex, Hertfordshire, Lincolnshire, Northamptonshire, Suffolk and parts of Norfolk.